LK Automation Limited LK Automation Limited
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E2E-CR6C1 2M | OMRON Proximity sensor (standard type) E2E-CR6C1 2M
Brand: OMRON
Name: Proximity sensor (standard type)
Model: E2E-CR6C1 2M
Type: 3 wire, shielded.
Shape: 3.
Detection range: 0.6mm.
Connection mode: lead type (2m).
Wire specification: PVC (oil resistant).
Action mode NO.
NPN output.
Proximity sensors for preferred world top performance and quality.
Standard type of magnetic metal detection.
Rich variety.
According to the conditions to choose the most suitable models.
Anti interference function of different frequency range models.
Has excellent environmental performance.
Standard wire material for oil resistant PVC.
Test face using cutting oil material.
Standard wire jacket.

High performance price ratio standard type proximity sensor.
Standard cable protector.
The new DC two-wire type.
Non polar proximity sensor.
Type: DC / wire type.
Polarity: there.
Shape: shield, M8.
Detection range: 2mm.
Action mode: NO. Appearance: Shielded, M30.
Sensing distance: 10 mm.
Output: NPN OMRON E2E-CR6C1 2M.
Model: Operation mode NO.
Aluminum and Iron Both.
Detectable from Long Distances E2E-CR6C1 2M E32-T17L type: special beam type; long range / high function,
Specialty: built-in large lens M14 screw,
Shape / detection distance (mm): 20000; 20000; 10000 (4000),
Bending radius (mm): R25.
Standard test object (minimum test object) (mm): 1 - 10,
Fiber element for meeting diversified needsAppearance: Shielded, M12 OMRON E2E-CR6C1 2M.
Sensing distance: 3 mm.
Model: Operation mode, NO.
Proximity Sensor with a Long Screw Length.
Increased tightening strength. Cable protectors,
provided as a standard feature.
Increased indicator visibility.
A milled section for wrench grip on all models.E3F3-R37M detection methods: Regression reflection type,
Lead extraction: CN M12,
Type: metal appearance; PNP output,
Threaded cylindrical photoelectric sensor, built-in amplifier,
Photoelectric sensor with proximity sensor appearance
High anti interference with optoelectronic -IC technologyType: Narrow View/Standard OMRON E2E-CR6C1 2M.
Low-cost but advanced Smart E2E-CR6C1 2M OMRON.
Sensors combining benefits of.
optical and vision sensors.
Sensor integrated with light for easy installation.
Easy operation by selecting icons while watching E2E-CR6C1 2M OMRON.
LCD monitor.
Ultra-high speed response for fast-moving.
production lines. Pressure range: Positive pressure; 0 to 100 kPa.
ON/OFF output: Open collector (two independent outputs).
Linear output: 1 to 5 V.
Model: PNP output.
Pressure Sensor with.
Easy-to-Reaad LED Display E2E-CR6C1 2M.
Pressure status can be checked at a glance from the,
digital display and bar display E2E-CR6C1 2M OMRON.
Measurement pressure prevents incorrect outputs due,
to momentary pressure changes.
Perform automatic tteaching simply by teaching pressure,
values for good and bad products OMRON E2E-CR6C1 2M.
Industry’s smallest models at just 28 × 28 × 29 mm.
Only in hysteresis mode.

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