I/O bits: 960 (Expan-sion Racks: 2).
Program capacity: 10K steps.
Unit type: CS1 Special analog I/O Units.
Product name: Analog I/O Units.
Specifications: I/O points,
4 inputs, 4 outputs;
Signal range selection,
Set separately for each input;
Signal range, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V,
0 to 10 V, -10 V to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA;
Resolution, 1/4000 ;
Conversion speed, 1 s/point OMRON CS1G-CPU42H.
Externa connection, Removable erminal block.
Current consumption: 5V, 0
CS1G-CPU42H20A; 26V, 0.20A.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
For Various Analog I/Os.
Analog Input Units for converting,
analog input signals into binary data.
Analog Output Units for converting ,
binary data into analog output signals. Product name: CS1 Expansion Backplanes.
Specifications: For CS-series,
Unit only Note: C200H series,
Units cannot be mounted; 5 slots OMRON CS1G-CPU42H.
Mountable configuration units:
Basic I/O Units, CS-series Basic I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Basic I/O Unit, No;
C200H Group-2 High density I/O Unit, No.
Special I/O Units: CS-series Special I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Special I/O Unit, No.
CPU Bus Units: CS-series CPU Bus Unit, Yes.
Current consumption: 5V system, 0.23A;
26 V system, -- OMRON CS1G-CPU42H.
Standards: U, C, N, L, CE.
Multi-application Controllers:
From High-performance Machine C,
Highly Reliable Process Control. Product name: CS1 CPU Backplane.
Specifications: For both CS/C200H-series Units,
2 slots(Note:Expansion Racks,
cannot be connected) CS1G-CPU42H OMRON.
Appli cable CPU Unit: CS1 CPU Unit.
Basic I/O Units: CS-series Basic I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Basic I/O Unit, Yes;
C200H Group-2 High density I/O Unit, Yes CS1G-CPU42H OMRON.
Special I/O Units: CS-series Special I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Special I/O Unit, Yes.
CPU Bus Units: CS-series CPU Bus Unit, Yes.
Current consumption: 5V system, 0.11A;
26 V system, --.
Standards: U, C, N, L, CE.
Multi-application Controllers:
From High-performance Machine C,
Highly Reliable Process Control CS1G-CPU42H OMRON. Unit type: CS1 Special I/O Units.
Product name: Isolated-type,
Thermocouple Input Units.
points Input: 4 inputs.
Signal range selection:
Set separately for each input.
I/O type: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, ±80mV.
Conversion speed: 150 ms/4 inputs.
Externa connection: Removable erminal block.
No. of unit numbers allocated: 1.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.15A; 26V, 0.15A.
Standards: UC1, CE.
Provides the functionality of isolators,
power supplies, signal converters,
and other devices.
The Analog Input Unit converts analog,
input signals such as 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20mA,
into digital values, and takes the values,
scaled in industrial units, and transfers,
it to the CPU Unit as the process value.
Because of this, no ladder program is required,
at the CPU Unit for scaling.
The Analog Output Unit converts analog output set,
values from the CPU Unit to analog output signals,
such as 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V, and outputs them.
The built-in functions, such as measurement value,
alarms, rate-of-change calculations, and square roots,
have enabled major savings in cost and sppace compared,
with previous systems CS1G-CPU42H.
High-resolution Models and 8-point Input Models are,
also available.
By combining the Units, logging/monitoring.
systems can be constructed,
or the Units can be used together with LCBs/LCCUs,
to construct complete process control systems OMRON CS1G-CPU42H.
Parameters can be easily displayed and set in an,
easy-to-understand form without special tools.