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OMRON CS1W-BC102 datasheet PDF
Product model: CS1W-BC102
Name: Programmable Controllers
Brand: OMRON
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File language: English
Product name: CJ1M CPU Units; Ethernet function.
Specifications: I/O capacity/Mountable Units Expansion Racks),
640 points/20 Units(1 Expansion Racks max.) ; Program capacity,
20K steps; Data memory capacity, 32K words(DM: 32K words, EM: None);
LD nstruction execution time, 0.1 μs;
Ethernet function,YES CS1W-BC102 PDF.
Current consumption: 5v, 0.95A (Seenote 2.) ; 24V,--.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE CS1W-BC102
Versatile Machine Control with the,
Highest Performance Standards in the Industry. C500-RT SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Master Slave Wired C500-RT001-PV1.
APF/PCF, With the optical connector 1.Unit classification: CJ1 Special I/O Units.
Product name: Process Input Units,
(Isolated type Units with Universal Inputs) CS1W-BC102 PDF.
Input points: 4 inputs.
Signal range selection:
Set separately for each input.
Signal range:Universal
inputs: Pt100 (3-wire), JPt100 (3-wire),
Pt1000 (3-wire), Pt100 (4-wire), K, J,
T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, WRe5-26, PL II,
4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 1.25V,
0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, ±100 mV selectable range,
-1.25 to 1.25 V, -5 to 5 V, -10 to 10V,
±10V selectable range, potentiometer CS1W-BC102 PDF.
Conversion speed (resolution): Resolution
(conversion speed): 1/256,000 (conversion cycle:
60 ms/ 4 inputs) 1/64,000 (conversion cycle:
10 ms/4 inputs) 1/16,000 (conversion cycle:
5 ms/4 inputs).
Accuracy at ambient temperature of 25°C:
Standard accuracy: ±0.05% of F.S.
External connection: Removable terminal block.
No. of unit numbers allocated: 1.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.30A; 24V, --.
Standards: UC1, CE.
A Single Unit Handling All Types of Inputs,
such as Temperature Sensor Inputs and,
Analog Signal Inputs (e.g., 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5V).
A Unit supports four input channels,
each of which can be set to a
platinum resistance thermometer, thermocouple,
and DC signal (current, voltage).
All inputs are isolated. Name: Three-tier Screw Terminal Block.
Specifications: Outputs; 8 outputs; NPN;
With Short-circuit and,
Disconnected Line Detection.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost cann be reduced CS1W-BC102 datasheet.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on sitee CS1W-BC102 datasheet.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error.
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