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MITSUBISHI A956GOT-SBD User's Manual (Hardware) PDF
Product model: A956GOT-SBD
Name: touch screen
Sort: Hardware User's Manual
File language: English
Q mode.
MITSUBISHI PLC is the main product in the production of MITSUBISHI motor in Dalian.
It uses a kind of programmable memory for its internal storage procedures,
Execute logic operation, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operations, user oriented instruction,
And through digital or analog input / output control of various types of machinery or production process A956GOT-SBD PDF A956GOT-SBD
When the programmer input programinto the user program memory,
Then CPU according to the function of the system (the system program memory to explain the compiler),
Translate the user program into PLC internally recognized by the user to compile the program A956GOT-SBD PDDF A956GOT-SBD Manual. Reader writer 1 channel connection, AnSCPU/QnASCPU.
PLC is the use of " sequential scanning, and constantly circulating " way to work.
That is, in the operation of CPU, PLC according to the user according to the control requirements of the coexistence of the user in the memory of the program,
According to the instruction sequence number (or address number) for periodic cyclic scan, such as no jump instruction,
From the first instruction to the user program execution sequence one by one, until the end of the program,
And then return to the first command, start the next round of the new scan, in the process of each scan,
Also complete the sampling of the input signal and the output status of the refresh and other work A956GOT-SBD PDF MITSUBISHI User's Manual.
PLC is the use of " sequential scanning, and constantly circulating " way to work.
That is, in the operation of CPU, PLC according to the user according to the control requirements of the coexistence of the user in the memory of the program,
According to the instruction sequence number (or address number) for periodic cyclic scan, such as no jummp instruction,
From the first instruction to the user program execution sequence one by one, until the end of the program,
And then return to the first command, start the next round of the new scan, in the process of each scan,
AAlso complete the sampling of the input signal and the output status of the refresh and other work MITSUBISHI User's Manual MITSUBISHI User's Manual A956GOT-SBD Manual A956GOT-SBD User's Manual.
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